2025 Registration Now Open!

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Keiki Fun Zone

This summer Leeward is offering a program for Elementary Aged kids (K-6th Grade) called Keiki Fun Zone. A 7 week, Monday - Friday program starting Monday, June 9 and running until Friday, July 25. The programs runs from 8:30AM to 2:00PM and costs $300.

Through our Summer Fun Program, we plan to develop and nurture skills in our Keiki. The program will include enrichment activities such as:
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Drama and Dance
  • Character Development
  • Field Trips
  • Team Building Games

Enrollment is limited to 30 kids so register today!

Volunteer Opportunities

We could always use help this summer and have two different types of opportunities. 
- Youth Jr. Leaders - Too old to attend? Don't want to miss out on all the fun. We are also looking for students (7th - 12th grade) who want to volunteer and learn leadership skills to assist with the program.

- Volunteer Teachers - Have a skill, talent, or just love teaching and investing in the next generation? We are also looking for adults interested in teaching activities such as art, science, drama, music, etc. Volunteer as little as one day a week and have a huge impact on our next generation.

If you are interested, click any of the buttons below for more information and to fill out interest forms.